CZ All-American


Category: Product ID: 2184


The sporting clays half of our Trap Combo, the All-American is a precision instrument. CNCed throughout, it features drop-in replacement parts (including locking blocks for those who shoot tens of thousands of rounds a year) as well as a bevy of adjustable features.

A 4-way comb combined with adjustable butt plate hardware (cast, toe as well as LOP) allow a shooter to tune the gun to their specific dimensions and shooting style. Due to the lower bore axis of the bottom barrel, the All-American fires bottom barrel first, reducing recoil going into the second shot.

Equipped with either 30″ or 32″ barrels, the All-American has lengthened forcing cones (extended 1.6″ and at a 2.2 degrees) and is ported from the factory.

Blacked out extended chokes (in a mid thread pattern), a blacked-out action and Select wood round out the package, culminating in a target shotgun that looks great and shoots even better!

Choke constrictions are Cylinder, Improved Cylinder, Light Modified, Modified, and Improved Modified.




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